Happy Lady Day, Happy New Year

by Seasonal Wisdom on March 25, 2009

While you’re out enjoying your spring garden, consider this cool fact. Today was the start of the year for many gardeners in past centuries.

It’s true. From the twelfth century until the calendar changed in 1752, March 25 began the year (not Jan. 1) on the Old Style calendars in England and Ireland. In the Italian cities of Florence and Pisa, this day held the honor until 1749.

Today is also called ‘Lady Day’ or the Feast of the Annunciation. On this day, it was said the Archangel Gabriel proclaimed to the Virgin Mary that she would bear a son nine months later. In the ancient Roman calendar reformed by Caesar, this day was mistakenly considered the spring equinox

When you look around the garden, it’s easy to see why so many different religions and cultures have celebrated new beginnings around this time. Seeds are sprouting all over the place right now.

Speaking of seeds, have you started yours yet? Prefer hybrid seeds? Or heirlooms? Want to see what seeds I’m sowing in 2009? What’s growing in your garden?

Update: See some of the seeds I’m sowing in 2010.

For more information on seasonal folklore, consider the two sources used for this blog post:

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